As a caregiver

Provide for people at home

Rapid results (most tests take under 15 minutes)
Health Canada approved tests & CPSA accredited lab
Billable through many health insurance spending accounts

Practitioner Benefits

Take control of your testing schedule and enjoy the flexibility of point-of-care testing.

  • Convenient access to common tests at or near point of care
  • Significantly reduced wait times with rapid lab results
  • Treatment starts sooner, improving patient outcomes
  • Improved adherence to treatment plans
  • Better access for those with physical, mental or geographic barriers to traditional lab services
  • Greater control over personal health information

Currently Available Tests

Access Point of Care Services is able to provide screenings for various health issues such as:

Testing is done via finger or shoulder pin prick and does not require blood draws, large needles or full laboratory sites.

Reach Out

Let us know how we can help!